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Lily of MD's Sponsorship Page
Lily of MD

One year update (4/2024): Lily's heart condition has gotten a little worse so our DVM has adjusted her medications (vetmedin, enalapril, lasix and tussigon). She still has a great quality of life, going on daily walks and bossing aroung the eskie boys :) We all love her dearly.

Sweet senior eskie girl Lily was taken to a clinic to be euthanized after her mom of 13 years passed away.  Thankfully the clinic would not euthanize her, and instead reached out to ERU. We gladly took this lovely senior girl. Lily will spend the rest of her days at the R'eskie Ranch in Maryland.  She has a chronic heart issue which requires expensive medicine.  She rules the roost and is very happy and loved by all.

Lily of MD's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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